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Respekt in English23. 6. 2008

What to do with the cowards

Czech soldiers in general are good at dealing with demanding and life-threatening situations, wherever they go. Both the ordinary soldiers and their commanders.


Another group of soldiers left for Afghanistan several days ago, I read in the papers. Their predecessors did a good job in demanding and life-threatening military operations. I believe the new team will do well too. Czech soldiers in general are good at dealing with demanding and life-threatening situations, wherever they go. Both the ordinary soldiers and their commanders. They do credit to their role models, the World War II veterans. Following their example, the soldiers protect our peace and happy life far from their country. They chose to act this way and risk an injury or even death voluntarily by joining the Czech Army. A professional army. They have received a command and they go and obey. That is the way it goes in the army. And that is how it should be.

It is not their war


But I also hear and read about soldiers in the army who act differently. I hear and read that some helicopter pilots, professional soldiers, well-trained and generously paid for the risks they face during their missions, are now reluctant to fly to the place the army commanders are sending them to. They do not want to go to Afghanistan, and because they are undoubtedly smart people with university education, they come up with sly excuses to avoid the command. They are using their cunning to avoid an obvious duty they pledged to meet when they joined the army. Did they know what they were doing when signing their army contracts, in which they pledged to follow orders …

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